How do I pay an invoice in the portal?

Here's how you can pay your invoices in Luminello. 

1. From your homepage, click on "Pay now." 

Note: This option will only be displayed if there are any unpaid invoices. 


1. From your homepage, click on "Go To Billing." 


1. From your main dashboard, click on "Billing."

2. In the "Billing History" tab, you can pay your balance by clicking "Pay now." 

3. In the "Invoices" tab, you can pay your invoices by clicking "Pay" next to the invoice. 

4. Confirm your payment details and amount, and click "Pay now" to confirm payment. 

Note: Not all clinicians offer this feature to their patients/clients. Please message your clinician if you do not see any option to pay your balance/invoice in your account. 

If you have any questions, please contact us

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